Research suggests that 30 % of pupils at risk of literacy failure can be reduced to 3% with effective dyslexia-friendly classroom teaching and “compensatory interaction.”
In Dyslexia friendly schools the focus has changed from establishing what is wrong with the child in order to make them ‘better,’ to what is right in the classroom in order to enhance the effectiveness of learning.
“It has to be remembered at all stages that dyslexia is on a continuum, varying from mild to severe with a range of difficulties and strengths according to the nature of the activity undertaken, the learning environment and any coping strategies and support in place.”
Scottish Dyslexia Assessment Toolkit 2010
Information for Parents
As a result, every individual with dyslexia will differ in the range of factors that are affected and in the level of severity experienced."
What does becoming a Dyslexia Friendly School involve?
In South Ayrshire each DFS completes a process of self-evaluation which involves:
Having a designated member of staff who links with key staff in other pilot schools
DFS being part of a school’s development plan
Training and awareness raising for all staff
Audit of current practice
Forming a school steering group
Preparing a DFS action plan
Including views of parents and children
Implementing action plan.
Schools will also be expected to have:
A written dyslexia policy
Clear guidelines on marking
Clear guidelines on homework
Tracking of literacy skills.
South Ayrshire Dyslexia Strategy (2010 revised version) assumes:
That dyslexia can be identified as a specific delay in literacy skills which persists despite appropriate support
That early identification and intervention are critical
That assessment and intervention begin with the class teacher
That learners’ understanding of their dyslexia, and their views on how they are supported, are crucial
That parents’ and carers’ views are important
That the focus should be on addressing individual needs which may vary widely.
In Session 2010-11, each Cluster in South Ayrshire has at least two Primary Schools piloting South Ayrshire’s Dyslexia Friendly School model.
This development is linked to recent clear national developments, such as the 2008 HMIE report Education for Learners with Dyslexia, and the 2010 launch of the Scottish Dyslexia Assessment Toolkit, as well as Curriculum for Excellence.
Dyslexia Friendly Schools should ensure that:
Parents are given clear early notice of any school concerns
Parents’ concerns are respected and acknowledged
Information from parents contributes to the child’s literacy profile
Workshops are available on supporting their children’s learning.
Books for Children and young people:
My Name Is Brian Brain (Apple Paperbacks)
Brian Has Dyslexia (A Dr. Spot Casebook)
It's Called Dyslexia (Live & Learn)
(Jennifer Moore-Mallinos and Nuria Roca)
It's Just Dyslexia (Marlene D. Hauck)
So You Think You've Got Problems? (Rosalind Birkett)
Dyslexia: A Teenager's Guide (Sylvia Moody)
Further Links