Inclusion and Rights Respecting School Group
Who are we?
We are a group of pupils and staff who are leading the school's work to be a Silver Rights Respecting School with our Bronze LGBT Charter.
Why are rights important?
At Kyle, we believe
Every life is important and special
We all deserve to be treated with dignity and respect
School should be a place where everyone feels included, engaged and involved.
What's next in our journey to becoming an inclusive and rights respecting school?
December assemblies to raise awareness about why rights are important. We will be talking about the controversy about the World Cup and doing a Rights Quiz.
Holocaust Memorial Education in February. This year's theme is 'Ordinary People'. Ordinary people who ordinary people made brave decisions to rescue or stand up against genocide. Ordinary people also made decisions to ignore what was going on around them, to be bystanders, to allow the genocide to continue. How can we learn from history?
Reviewing our school policies to ensure they take account of issues that affect the LGBT community and protect the rights of other protected characteristics like disability, race, belief and religion.
Improve our signposting to rights and supports.
How can I get involved?
Share your views about how we can make the school more inclusive.
Join our group! Speak to Mrs Galloway, Mrs Thomas or Mrs Ferguson.
Come along to a meeting.
Help us plan an event.